A message from the
2022-2023 校友 Scholarship Committee Chair
Edgar Garcia Mora (’09)

Edgar Garcia-Mora(2009),校友奖学金委员会主席

足彩外围网站校友奖学金委员会主席, 我很激动地邀请你们加入我们的使命,为下一代领导者和变革者赋权.

Because we are all members of the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 community, we understand the transformative power of education. By providing scholarships to deserving students, 我们有机会产生持久的影响,让他们走上成功之路.

Joining the 校友 Scholarship Committee is a chance to 回馈 in a meaningful way and to be a part of a community of individuals who are dedicated to supporting the future of our university. Our committee members are a diverse, dynamic group of alumni who bring their unique perspectives and experiences to the table and work together to make a difference in the lives of our students.

我邀请您考虑加入我们的行列,支持足彩外围网站的下一代学生. 你是否想要参与当地的社区活动, network with other alumni, or simply make a difference by volunteering your time, 校友奖学金委员会是一个很好的开始.

感谢您一直以来对足彩外围网站和我们学生的支持. 我期待着与你们合作,对未来金鹰的生活产生积极的影响.

Edgar Garcia-Mora (’09)
校友 Scholarship Committee Chair

For questions or additional information, please contact 玛莉索克鲁兹, assistant director, alumni and student programs for 校友 Relations, at [email protected].

Belen Acevado

"As a low-income, first-generation 大学 student, 为了考上一所四年制大学,为了在四年制大学取得成功,我一直在努力学习. Receiving this scholarship has helped me reach my goals by directly supporting and sponsoring my education so that I can one day serve to educate the future children and adults that have the power to change our communities, 国家, 和世界."

Marjorie Morrison Mitchell Scholarship


Angelica Aguiniga

“我真的很幸运能获得足彩外围网站校友奖学金. 我很高兴看到在奖学金的帮助下,我的教育将把我带向何方. 加州大学洛杉矶分校帮助我取得了学业上的成功, I will continue to serve in my 加州大学洛杉矶分校 community. I would like to thank God for allowing me to receive this scholarship and to be able to use it to invest in my future career and endeavors. 感谢足彩外围网站的校友们,感谢那些让这一切成为可能的人!"
Child Development
校友 Association Scholarship



"I extend my deepest gratitude to the 校友 Scholarship Committee for supporting and contributing towards my nursing education here at 加州大学洛杉矶分校. I look forward to being able to 回馈 to the community once I begin my nursing career and this opportunity has led me one step closer to my goals. 感谢您有信心和意愿帮助像我这样的学生取得学业上的成功. "
校友 Association Scholarship


Giovani Bautista

“作为一个在我出生的国家没有机会接受K-6教育的人, 我非常自豪能成为这个国家边缘学生的一名变革教育家. I am now enrolled in my last year of 咨询 and it is my goal to bring equity to other students who fall through the cracks of our educational system. 对我来说, 这个奖学金帮助我避免从这种制度的裂缝中掉出来, and it gets me closer my graduation. 因此, it is my responsibility to pay it forward and bring equity on an individual and institutional level for the new generations who will become the future of our society."
校友 Association Scholarship



“我很荣幸被选为校友会奖学金的获得者. 谢谢你! so much for your generosity, 减轻了我的经济负担,让我可以继续我的护理事业. In a few months, I will graduate from the Patricia A. 我的目标是成为一名儿科注册护士!"
校友 Association Scholarship


Andrea Dominguez

“获得校友奖学金减轻了一直压在我肩上的巨大经济压力. I am happy to say that this upcoming semester, 我现在可以专注于学业,而不用担心支付账单或大学带来的杂项费用. 我很感谢我的努力和对教育的热爱得到了委员会的认可. 得知我的校友们在我完成硕士课程后选择的道路上支持我,我感到很欣慰. 我鼓励其他人抓住机会申请这项奖学金."
校友 Association Scholarship


Christine Figueroa

"As a future professional in rehabilitation 服务s, I am surrounded by knowledgeable, 善解人意, and imaginative educators. They inspire me to open my ears to others, be critical of systems of oppression, and fight for equity. This scholarship validates my efforts and helps to relieve my financial stress since my disability makes it difficult to take on employment in addition to school and motherhood. 感谢校友会,我的家庭有了更大的安全感. 这一荣誉激励着我继续我的学业,以及我作为自闭症和残疾接受倡导者的更大旅程."
校友 Association Scholarship



“这笔奖学金将帮助我减轻未来学业上的一些经济负担. 我计划在2023年春季获得公共卫生学士学位, and I also plan on getting my Master of 公共卫生. 我雄心勃勃的学术生涯目标无疑会成为我的经济负担. 作为一名健康教育工作者,这项奖学金将对我的学业和职业生涯有很大的帮助. 我很感激足彩外围网站的成功校友,他们回馈了那些曾经在他们所在的地方的学生. 我希望有一天能成为校友中的一员,为需要经济支持的学生提供补充资金."



“这个奖项减轻了我作为护理专业学生的经济负担, allowing me to focus more time on my studies, rather than working extra shifts at the hospital. 最终, this scholarship enables me to grow within my field and a step closer to the dream of providing healthcare to communities that need it most."
Dr. Michael Finocchiaro 护理 Scholarship



"When I received the news, 我做的第一件事就是告诉从我小时候就一直支持我的家人. 尽管对我的能力和技能存在或挥之不去的怀疑, having accomplished this award will always be a reminder to myself and others like me that we are capable of achieving excellence. I am so touched by this organization and hope to use my award towards furthering a future where I can one day return the favor to this kind community of people who granted me a step towards my future career as a registered nurse. I thank my family, 我的伴侣, 我的朋友们, and my teachers who supported and believed in me from the very beginning; this is for you."
Robert Hohmann Scholarship


Gracelle Ann Gutierrez

“作为一名护理专业的学生,全职工作和上大学,再加上疫情,这是一段充满挑战的旅程. 这个奖学金可以让我继续追求我选择的职业,同时更专注于我的课程. I am graduating in 2023, and I aim to be a part of the alumni community and continue the great work they do to support students like me to achieve their goals."
校友 Association Scholarship


Susana Hernandez

“获得这项奖学金将使我能够继续深造,并离成为一名听力学家又近了一步. 谢谢你! to the 校友 Scholarship Committee. 我希望有一天能够回馈足彩外围网站和社区!"
The Leader Scholarship


“这次奖学金对我来说意义重大,因为我离成为飞行员的目标又近了一步. 由于经济困难,我暂停了成为一名飞行员的旅程, and this award will allow me to continue my training. 衷心感谢组委会和协会给我这次机会."
Aviation Administration
校友 Association Scholarship


"As a first-generation, 酷儿, and undocumented student, 高等教育往往面临着从社会到经济的多重逆境. 在攻读本科学位的同时,这些挑战可能会让你感到难以驾驭世界. 受到足彩外围网站校友的表彰是一种不可思议的荣誉,这鼓励了我在高等教育方面的努力. Most importantly, receiving a scholarship to further my advancement at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 is an economic relief that sustains my ability to perform well in school and engage in my community with the full capacity and energy it deserves. 我非常热衷于用我拥有的资源激励他人, and being awarded such is an honor and a joy. 谢谢你!!"
校友 Association Scholarship


“被选中获得足彩外围网站校友奖学金,我感到非常荣幸和谦卑. 获得这样的奖项将使我有更多的时间专注于我的研究生学习. 不用在校外寻找就业机会, this scholarship will allow me to fully dedicate myself to academic responsibilities and have the means to support myself as I work on my master’s thesis. 这项奖学金将减轻同时做两份兼职工作的压力, being a full-time student, and being a student-parent."
女奇卡诺人(o) & Latina(o) Studies
校友 Association Scholarship



“能成为足彩外围网站校友奖学金的获得者之一,我感到非常荣幸和感激! 获得这个奖项让我感到得到了足彩外围网站教育界的认可和支持. 这个奖极大地减轻了研究生院的经济负担, and allows me to focus more on my studies. I worked throughout my undergraduate career to support myself and being able to put all of my energy into school is both a privilege and a blessing. 作为一名社会工作者,我的目标是成为洛杉矶社区及其他地区社会变革的推动者. 谢谢你! for investing in our dreams."
Socorro Rivero Scholarship



"Attending 加州大学洛杉矶分校 during my undergraduate program allowed me to grow as an individual and propelled me to pursue graduate studies. 作为第一代萨尔瓦多裔美国人,在学术界的导航经历了一段艰难的时期. I am grateful to receive the 校友 Scholarship as it is providing me with the support I need to continue with my graduate studies. 我很高兴能代表足彩外围网站在我未来的学术和职业生涯中努力,有一天我, too will be able to support students like myself."
校友 Association Scholarship


Jennifer Nazario
"As a first-generation, low-income Latinx graduate student, 我很感激获得这笔奖学金来支持我的研究生学业. 这笔奖学金可以让我专注于我的研究生学习, afford transportation, 书, 以及其他费用. When I started this graduate program, 我很担心不能完成我的学位,因为我必须全职工作来养活我自己和我的家人.It is reassuring to know that there is a support system at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 that will allow me to further my education and research interests. 在未来, 我希望回馈并帮助足彩外围网站的下一代学者, so that more students continue to reach upward mobility."
Business 校友 Network Scholarship



"I am so grateful to the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 校友 Association for their support of current students and their belief in us to have a positive impact on our communities. 作为一名社会工作专业的研究生,获得资助的机会很少. This scholarship allows me to focus on my education, my mental health, 而校园活动的同时也缓解了一些经济上的障碍. 谢谢你!!"
校友 Association Scholarship



"Throughout my time at 加州大学洛杉矶分校, 幸运的是,我有很多机会在职业和个人方面成长.  As I complete my last semester, 获得这项奖学金对我来说意义重大,因为它鼓励我坚强地完成学业, 回馈, 在我为人生的下一个篇章做准备时,我感到更加自信."
校友 Association Scholarship


Tatev Sarkissyan

“能得到校友奖学金委员会的认可,感觉真是太棒了. 加州大学洛杉矶分校 has shaped my academic and professional career; it has touched my life in an immense way and I am happy to know that I have touched it in some way as well. 能获得校友奖学金是我的荣幸!"
Special Education
Education 校友 Network Scholarship


Stephanie Varghese
"When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, my household income was suddenly cut in half; it became immediately clear that I would only be able to continue my research and 大学 education with the support to fund it. 像罗伯特·霍曼奖学金这样的奖项保证了我能继续当科学家. 由于这项奖学金,我的杰出的研究导师Dr. 萨沙莱特, 以及足彩外围网站MORE项目的无尽支持, I am developing my honors thesis, publishing my research, presenting at worldwide conferences, 并前往非洲大陆各地攻读博士学位. I am forever grateful to the 校友 Association and the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 community for believing in me and investing in my potential!"
Robert Hohmann Scholarship


"Being selected as an 校友 Scholarship recipient was confirmation that I am on the right path to creating a more sufficient and happier life for my son and I. I took an involuntary ten-year break from school. Returning to pursue my academics was quite difficult; learning new technology, 利用电子邮件的礼仪,接受我比同龄人整整大了十岁的事实. 我加倍努力工作,熬过泪水和漫漫长夜. 我不断提醒自己为什么这么做,结果会怎样. 我想让我的儿子知道一切皆有可能,不管有什么限制. 校友奖学金让我对自己的学术生涯充满信心, 我不是一个失败者,并把自己看作是一个有影响力的人, 不是负担. 谢谢你!."
Criminal Justice
The Leader Scholarship

校友奖学金计划为学生提供经济援助,以表彰他们的领导能力, 服务, participation in student activities, and academic excellence. 要获得校友奖学金的资格,学生必须至少有3个.5 加州大学洛杉矶分校 GPA.  此外,

  • Undergraduate student 校友 Scholarships are awarded to students at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 who demonstrate leadership involvement on campus and/or in the community.
  • Graduate student 校友 Scholarships are awarded to students at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 who demonstrate leadership and achievement in their academic department, 大学, professional career, and/or community.


  • 校友 Association Scholarship
  • Asian Support Group Scholarship
  • Black Support Group Scholarship
  • Business 校友 Network Scholarship
  • Chicanx Latinx University 校友 Network Scholarship
  • 纪念塞万提斯和穆罗家族的社区承诺奖学金
  • Dr. Michael Finocchiaro 护理 Scholarship
  • Education 校友 Network Scholarship
  • Engineering 校友 Network Scholarship
  • The Leader Scholarship
  • Marjorie Morrison Mitchell Scholarship
  • The New World Scholarship
  • 护理 校友 Network Scholarship 
  • Renaissance Man/Woman Scholarship
  • Robert Hohmann 校友 Scholarship
  • Socorro Rivero Scholarship

查看可用奖学金机会的完整列表, specific criteria, 然后应用, please visit the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 Office of Financial Aid website.

校友 Scholarships are made possible through the generosity of alumni and friends who believe in investing in the futures of students.

Click to be redirected to 加州大学洛杉矶分校's campaign


What is the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 校友 Scholarship Committee?
The 加州大学洛杉矶分校 校友 Scholarship Committee is responsible for reviewing scholarship applications and selecting the award recipients. 该委员会由志愿者组成,他们都是足彩外围网站的毕业生. 每年,志愿者都可以加入或重新加入奖学金委员会.

How long will I be a member of the Scholarship Committee?
奖学金委员会大约在3月至10月期间活动, with four (4) meetings taking place between April – June, during which members review and score applications, interview semi-finalists, and deliberate on the final recipients. 委员会成员将收到一份会议日程表.

我没有审核和评分奖学金申请的经验. Can I still be a member? 
绝对! 奖学金委员会成员接受有关申请审查程序的培训, which utilizes an online platform. 这允许会员在他们方便的时候审查和评分申请. 校友工作人员可以在整个过程中回答问题并提供支持. 

How often does the Scholarship Committee meet?
奖学金委员会每年四月至六月举行四(4)次会议. 在这段时间里,成员们审查并评分他们分配的申请,并面试半决赛选手. 为方便学生,半决赛面试将于六月的一个星期六上午八点半左右举行.m. – 1 p.m.不过,时间可能会根据半决赛选手的数量而有所变化. 奖学金委员会也被邀请参加秋季的奖学金获得者表彰活动. 


To join the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 校友 Scholarship Committee, 新成员必须填写并提交志愿者申请和简历到 玛莉索克鲁兹,校友关系助理主任,校友和学生项目. Returning members do not have to submit a form or resume.